Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
How long does it really take you to type 4 characters? Compare that to how long is takes to figure out an arbitrarily defined API. Or how long it takes to debug something because you forgot whether you are supposed to put the setup first or last.
the API is of course always arbitrary. just imagine how long it will take you to figure out what goes wrong when you forgot the (arbitrary!) "alt_" (or whatever) prefix. i think it is just the same.
With a good API, you can tell what each function does by its name alone. Looking at these names, what is the difference: setup_receive() vs receive_setup()
i don't know: does "receive_setup()" mean "setup a receive-class" and "setup_receive()" means "receive a setup"? what does this tell us??
mfg.asdr. IOhannes