Hi, doesn't the pd build system use mingw and autotools? It must have the same problems, or a solution for it, no? gr~~~
mingw and autotools seems to work fine for things like zexy, OSCx, etc. Plus all the of the libs that Pd-extended uses are built on MinGW.
the original post specifically detailed issues with libtool, none of those externals use libtool for building shared libs, so i guess it hasn't been encountered. the only library i can see to use it is gfsm and a look at the mingw autobuild log shows that it is breaking (though not for the same reason).
if libtool isn't necessary on any platform, then i will look into removing it from the flext autotools set and recommend that people avoid it in the future.
so yes, they 'seem to work' because they have never encountered the same set of circumstances.
and the source of my original problem, milllers pd.dll breaking the gnu linker likely will effect building other libs under mingw.
perhaps 'mingw + libtool is some kind of headache' would be a more explicit byline - though libtool is still considered part of the 'autotools' set last time i looked.