I have deleted Miller's reply where he said that he's not that interested in adding a string type to Pd, but I'd like to ask him a couple of questions regarding that response, if that's ok.
1. How do you propose to solve the 'spaces in file path' issue without a string type? Or are you content with that restriction?
2. How do you suggest that people deal with the symbol table pollution issue mentioned before on this list, when they are doing operations processing lots and lots of symbol-strings in Pd? Let me know if you want more information about this issue.
3. Will a [symbol2list] ever make it into Pd canonical so that people can split long symbols on a character, like the zexy external that does this? It seems strange that you can concatenate symbols, but not split them apart again.
4. Can anyone else help me with a concise summary of other string/Pd issues I haven't thought of?
Thanks for taking the time to read and reply.
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