Hallo devs!
I need to know the in-/outlet type of a pd-oject. Okay, that's not difficult for externals or internals, but I have problems to implement it for abstractions:
(excerpt without all checking: look at "here the problem starts" )
//If I have the object t_object *obj = the_just_created_abstraction;
// get the inlet t_inlet *in = obj->ob_inlet;
// check if it is an abstraction t_gobj *canvas = (t_gobj*)obj; t_symbol *insym = NULL; if(pd_class(&canvas->g_pd) == canvas_class) { post("is an ABSTRACTION !");
// get the owner g_obj of the inlet t_gobj *next = &in->i_owner->te_g; t_object *next_obj = (t_object*)next;
// test: this is working and prints out the name of the abstraction !! t_binbuf *b=next_obj->te_binbuf; binbuf_print(b);
//-------------------------------- // here the problem starts:
// I try to get the next object, which // should be the obj connected to the inlet ??? next = next->g_next; next_obj = (t_object*)next;
and next_obj here is NULL ...
So my question, is next_obj here the object which is connected to the abstraction, or should it be the object inside the abstraction which is connected to the inlet ...
... hm - now that I wrote that down I think it is unfortunately the first case ... so it will be more difficult to get the type ...
Has anyone an idea how to do that (do I have to parse the whole abstraction for an inlet object, and get it's x position etc. ...) ?
Thanks for any hints, LG Georg