On 2011-11-02 03:57, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Wow, that effects.zip patch is simple yet quite nice. I had some fun with that.
One possibility for using combinations of Gem, PDP, and Gridflow together is to use Syphon. It unfortunately only Mac OS X because only that OS currently let's you easily access the graphics card like that. But basically it lets you share data between apps while keeping it on the GPU, so its very fast. Its all open source, there is a syphonserver for Gem. So Gem would need a syphon client, then PDP and Gridflow would need a syphon client and server.
how are pdp and GridFlow to profit from the "tremendous speedup" due to all staying on the GPU memory?
iirc, both GF (apart from gf.gl) and pdp (apart from 3dp) are geared towards CPU processin. So if you want to to create a syphon link between GF and pdp, you would first need to transfer the data from GF to the gfx card's memory and then transfer it again to the main memory for pdp to use it. this is potentially a lot slower than sharing the data within main memory.
mind, that i really think that syphon is a cool project, but it is not a magic performance booster for connecting any data source with any other data sink.
the really interesting part for connecting pdp/gf/gem is that the syphon interface is well defined, and when adding support to one framework you don't have to care (nor know) about the other frameworks.
fgadrt IOhannes