Yeah, the license issue is worked out. Also, I see no reason why the OSC objects shouldn't just be part of the pd-externals package. They are now compiled as individual objects and they are quite popular and useful, so they should fit well in pd-externals. Its just a matter of someone doing the work, I suppose...
On Oct 31, 2004, at 6:08 AM, d.lj wrote:
if i m not mistaken pd-osc was pulled back as .deb because of some licensing issues with the OSC src files, which in meantime have been put straight again.
chrs, opt
[Chris McCormick]->[[PD-dev] pd-flext-ext]->[04-10-31 17:42]
|Hi, | |I've been trying to build (over the last few weeks) the various externals |pacakges from CVS and from the debian source to make .debs to give back to |Geunter, but this has been largely unsuccessful. Is it normal that there are |no packages in unstable like 'pd-flext-ext' and 'pd-osc' any more? I guess |this is because they weren't working properly? Sorry for the confusion. |I'm just trying to organise my thoughts here with regards to the |debian/pd situation so I can help rectify it. | |Best, | |Chris. |------------------- | | | |_______________________________________________ |PD-dev mailing list | |
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- Thomas Jefferson