Dear pd-dev,
When pd searches for a help file in response to "right-click Help" on some external object, the '~' is removed from the sought filename. This seems incorrect since it prevents "signal-based" and "message-based" objects from having the same root name. I would think the '~' should be fundamentally a part of the module's name.
My current workaround is to install a symbolic link from "help-name~.pd" to "help-name.pd" in my doc dir for externals, which seems rather ugly.
On a related topic, it would be nice if there were a standard recommended place to install such help files for pd extensions, e.g., /usr/local/lib/pd/doc/5.reference/extensions/<packagename>/. (I have seen /usr/local/lib/pd/doc/5.reference/<packagename>[help]/ used by some packages.)
Similarly, it would also be helpful to have a standard recommended directory for installation of externals (and libraries of externals), such as /usr/local/lib/pd/extensions/<package-name>/. I have seen /usr/local/lib/pd/<package-name>/ used by some packages, which leaves it unclear what is an extension and what is native pd.
-- Julius