hey guys,
been playing with pix_videoDarwin and pix_buf, they seem to play along but pix_buf is acting a little strange.
It seems whatever is in the gemchain ahead of the pix object that gets separated by pix_buf actually gets transmitted to both the objects after the pix source and the objects after the pix_buf. (in other words it seems to act exactly like separator, except also pases pix data along?)
anyhow here is an ugly example patch, please change pix_videoDarwin to a pix_image of some sort and play with the translate and scale stuff.
i modified your patch to show you how pix_buf and separator can work together. also, note that pix_texture was changed to pix_texture2 which is much faster on OSX. also try yuv_videoDarwin for even better performance.
Thanks! Ben