geiger wrote:
On Sat, 24 Jun 2006 wrote:
example see the attachment; this example brings to my mind, that it would be far more important to make abstractions equal to externals and vice versa (e.g. the "default signal" is missing in abstractions)
I don't know it you mean this (see attached test.pd), but to a certain extend I think it works.
i was unclear here. your patch works as expected. i tried to articulate the need for a way to set this default signal from within the patch....(i really don't know how to say it...)
ok, an example with [osc~]: [osc~] takes an argument (initial frequency), which can be overridden by sending a float-message to the [osc~] object) if you connect a signal to the object, it will override both the initial argument and the float-message.
in C-code this is done by manipulating a float-variable specified at CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN() (in the [osc~] code at d_osc.c this is the variable x_f)
in the pd-patch i have no way to do something similar: an abstraction can (as you have shown) accept pseudo-signals, but there is really no way to set such a signal from within the abstraction.
i guess such a feature could be done with arguments to the [inlet~] object (despite the fact that this solution conflicts with the upsampling/downsampling argument as well as tooltips)
mfga,.sdr. IOhannes