Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote: ...
If we can do it in Pd, why not do it in Pd? The example patches that
we cannot, unless after developing a browser widget. Using it would be perfectly ok, once it is available.
go with the text would need to be opened from the browser (or whatever). There are a number of problems with launching .pd files from other applications, many of which are platform-specific and
no, it is much simpler -- when "pddpserver" receives a GET request for a path, it might do just this:
if {[string equal [file extension $path] .pd] && [otherconditions]} { pd [concat pd open [file tail $path] [file dirname $path] ;] set path [htmlpageof $path] } #... carry on serving
I am not sure what you mean by "unparsable comments". Using a multi-line regexp, you can grab all chunks that start with '#X text
[0-9-]* [0-9-]*' and ends with a non-escaped ';'. The '#X text [0-9-]* [0-9-]*' would be equivalent to an HTML <p> and ';' to a </p>
html is docbook's output, not source...