Georg Holzmann wrote:
Hallo IOhannes && others!
I just bought a webcam and it doesn't work corretly in GEM (as we talked about yesterday).
You were rigth: blue and red was exchanged, so I changed this in GemPixUtil.cpp (line 630 - is attached). You handle this two cases in the same way: case GL_RGBA: case GL_BGRA_EXT: maybe this is the problem of the mixed blue-red channel? (in the attached file I simple exchanged the blue and red channel - so I think now it's wrong for GL_BGRA_EXT !)
well, the GL_BGRA_EXT is there for a good reason: because "normally" (this is: most (but not all) devices i tested, revert blue and red so we are using BGRA instead of RGBA (which i would have expected to be the same as VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB32)
probably i should read the documentation or pdp's code.
But the quality of the picture is still not that good as in pdp. There's a lot of noise in it - it looks like it was compressed with a low-quality JPEG algorithm. Do you know where I can improve the quality of the picture ?
maybe the problem is really hidden in the yuv2rgb conversion of the driver. (pushing it away from me...) is the quality the same if you are using [colorspace YUV< (vs. [colorspace RGBA< ) ?
or use a higher resolution... IOhannes