so i tried what many of you have done, and just tried to get the foo1 makefile to work. foo1 and foo2 compile fine, but dspobj~ doesn't compile. here's my slightly modified version of miller's makefile (just the NT part), and the error message is "unresolved external symbol dspobj~_setup"
Hi, this is really trivial and it has nothing to do with VC++. A ~ is not allowed on exported names and PD needs dspobj_tilde_setup in this case anyway. So try to change the corresponding line in your makefile
$(VC)\bin\link /dll /export:$*_setup $*.obj $(PDNTLIB)
$(VC)\bin\link /dll /export:dspobj_tilde_setup $*.obj $(PDNTLIB)
and run nmake again.
greetings, Thomas