Upon looking at it, I think a good place to start is by downloading the most recent of mingw-w64-bin-x86_64:
This looks even more promising though: http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/
On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Working on this is definitely not a waste of time, but it is not a simple project. We all start somewhere, so motivation is the key rather than skills.
I would avoid trying to build anything and instead install from binaries. Building compilers can be a real pain. Cygwin is quite easy to install, so I see no harm in installing it.
I created a wiki page to document our progress, everyone should write notes there: https://puredata.info/docs/developer/Windows64BitMinGWX64
On Jul 2, 2010, at 6:10 PM, Pierre-Olivier Boulant wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm new here. I've offered to help with the Windows 64bit build. I'm really new to compiling software, so I'll probalby need some help to get started. If you think this is unmanageable for a beginner don't be afraid to tell me so. I have some good will and patience, but I don't want to waste anyone's time. :)
I'm reading the MinGW-w64 pages on Sourceforge. I should be looking for a native compiler for w64, but I can't seem to find any. I suppose since it's a native compiler I can build it myself. Is this correct. Then, should I download a tarball and compile from the source? Otherwise I found what seems to be a native version here: http://www.drangon.org/mingw/
I cannont find either the MinGW-get installer mentioned on the 32bit version of the instructions. I suppose there is nothing similar for the 64bit version for the time being.
I suppose I have to get Cygwin for compilation too. Anything I should pay special attention to concerning this?
Thanks for your help Pierre-Olivier
On 02/07/2010 22:46, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
A Windows 7 build sounds like a good idea. The first place to start is getting a MinGW-w64 build environment setup. If you get that installed, then first try just building the core of pd- extended without all the libraries. That shouldn't be too hard to get going. http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/
Here is the whole instructions for the 32-bit environment: http://puredata.info/docs/developer/WindowsMinGW
Perhaps it makes sense to continue this discussion on pd-dev?
On Jul 1, 2010, at 4:56 PM, Pierre-Olivier Boulant wrote:
I've been using Puredata for a year now and I'd be glad to help with the new release. I'll be getting a new computer for performances in the coming up week.
It will be an Asus N82 (it's not on their website at the moment). Intel Core i7 - 720QM (quad core) with 4GB of RAM an Nvidia Geforce GT335M The OS is a Windows 7 64bit. I might install some linux distro too alongside the original OS.
I can leave the computer on as much as needed for the autobuild process. I will use the computer for my own too. But I can leave it on at night.
I don't know if you want specifically Windows XP or if Windows 7 which is more and more widespread now can do too.
You can contact me with this email or with skype (same email address).
Cheers Pierre-Olivier
~ Pierre-Olivier Boulant ~ -o- www.puffskydd.net -o- ~ www.flickr.com/pob31/sets ~ -o- www.lepixophone.net -o-
Pd-dev mailing list Pd-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev
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