congrats to the re-surrection of the plugin.
On 2018-06-10 03:07, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
OMG, this HAS to be part of the vanilla distribution!
however: personally, i am not very sure about this. ithink it is one of max's most cumbersome "inventions", and actively hinders patching.
otoh, it is of course a nice way for beginners to get an overview over existing objects.
so i'm not trying to say that the plugin is a bad-idea in the first place, but rather rejecting the notion of "OMG, MUST".
but anyhow, a very brief glance at the code shows, that the plugin draws its knowlege about auto-completion from hardcoded lists. i think it this is plainly the wrong approach, instead that knowledge should be gathered on-the-fly from the list of currently available classes.
but of course, i haven't even tested the plugin, so this might already be happening (and the hardcoded lists might be either left-overs or additional hints).
fgmasdrt IOhannes
PS: and my understanding of the legalese is pretty close to dan's.