On Sun, 2 Aug 2009, sisil mehta wrote:
I have been trying to run the motion_detect.pd and have been unable to configure the camera. I have installed v4l (format/videodetect.c).
That's actually format/videodev.c, but it isn't "v4l" itself, it's "v4l support for gridflow". "v4l" refers to two protocols used by apps and drivers to talk to each other.
Does gridflow support any webcam? (i have a integrated Creative webcam on my laptop.) I read on a forum about some driver for the philips cam. How do i go about installing drivers for camera for gridflow? (i'm a newb...) (can i make any cam other than the philips one, which has drivers ,work?
Configure your camera as you would normally do on Linux. Then, if your driver is V4L1-compatible, chances are that it will work on GridFlow. If ever it's a V4L2-only driver, then try the trick Johannes talked about and don't forget to tell us whether it worked and if not, what the problem was!
and usually from what source does gridflow get video?).
cameras, video files, picture files, ... though you can also generate video from scratch as well (no source). for the cameras themselves, gridflow supports V4L1 *and* FireWire-DC on Linux, and supports only the QuickTime camera interface on OSX. Chances are that I'm adding V4L2 soon. I forgot to mention FireWire-DC before (aka DC1394).
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801, Montréal, Québec