Thanks for spotting this... I think if there are already installations in $(PROGRAMFILES)/pd we should stick to that. I'll go on and try to change it in Roman's script :)
On Sun, Dec 06, 2015 at 12:56:34AM +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Sat, 2015-12-05 at 23:17 +0100, katja wrote:
In Makefile.pdlibbuilder I'm trying to define some standard Pd include paths. On Windows with MinGW this used to be (if I'm not mistaken):
- $(PROGRAMFILES)/pd/src (vanilla Pd)
Before there was an installer, Pd for Windows was available as zip archive and as such could be installed anywhere. It might make sense to use that as an include path, but Pd cannot safely be assumed to be installed there. Being able to install it without admin privileges (in other words: not to the path above) was mentioned as an advantage of the archive (some called it the 'portable' version).
- $(PROGRAMFILES)/pd/include/pdextended (Pd-extended)
Yes, the installer proposes this path.
Now I've installed Pd 0.46-7 with the experimental new installer from Miller's downloads, for which must be set:
- $(PROGRAMFILES)/Pure Data/src
Is this path experimental too?
I am to blame for this. I set that as the default in the installer script and Miller obviously didn't change it. I had the user in mind rather than the developer. I chose it because 'Pure Data' is the canonical name of the software.
Will it stay like this?
I believe it is marked experimental exactly for the reason to be able to address issues like this.
I would hope that at least the whitespace could be taken out of the 'Pure Data' component so you could define relative paths without spaces.
I might not clearly see what you mean (relative to what?), but are whitespaces still an issue? $(PROGRAMFILES) resolves to a path with spaces on the majority of the Windows systems in the world anyway (often to 'C:\Program Files').
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