From: Charles Henry To: Jonathan Wilkes Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 6:17 PM Subject: Re: [PD-dev] from t_symbol to t_class
In C would I just make a struct with fields of t_symbol,
t_class, and a pointer to link to the next one?
Yeah, a linked list would work fine, probably not as efficient as the c++ hash structure (but lots easier to maintain). One nit-to-pick: Use a t_class pointer, which is a t_pd.
Hm... since the code to add new classes to the list will probably end up looking exactly like the code to add symbols to the symbol table, what if I just bloat the _symbol struct by adding a t_class *s_class? Would that affect performance?
Then searching for an existing class would be easy-- just do a gensym and check if its s_class exists.