Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Miller Puckette hat gesagt: // Miller Puckette wrote:
I think I have an adequate way to deal with non-list messages; they're converted to lists on input, and the "list trim" object can be used to explicitly convert back.
"list set a 1" in this case does not work. An even simpler example might be to generate a "set 42" message to set a float atom. In this case, "list set 42" also will not set the float atom to 42. However with [list trim] this can be made to work. (Of course this example is rather academic.)
even though working in academic environments, i don't feel like this problem is academic; it appears to me every other day.
the only thing that i don't understand is, why you cannot uses [route list]; this has worked for me for years. i don't see any realy reason to re-invent core objects for functionality that is already in the core set of objects. (of course there are many ways to achieve a certain thing esp. within pd, but i still don't think that this is a reason to introduce a whole new object.)
otoh, [l.trim] could be implemented as an abstraction... IOhannes