I meant "here for all to see but of course Iohannes is the only person who's likely to have a good answer"...
and... yep, i tried pushing and tehn cloning and got nothing. The only way I've found to push stuff to github is to push on a separate branch and then merge via the github site itself. The problems started only a couple of days ago.
I can live with the current situation but it does pollute the repository with unnecessary commits, so someday I hope to figure out what's going on.
Anyhow, currently I think things are on track for me to make the current test version into the official 0.53-0.
thanks M
On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 05:46:21PM +0200, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 10/24/22 17:15, Miller Puckette via Pd-dev wrote:
Hi all (but sorry, Iohannes really) -
i'm not entirely surewhat you mean by this. i do get your emails via the mailinglist.
I'm back i nteh state where I can't push to github (I'm merging stuff on my own machine and "git push origin --tags" says it's synced but github still doesn't see the new commits I've made, or the tags. So now I'm making a new branch "pure-data/temporary-merge", pushing that successfully, then whacking buttins on the github site to merge it into master. This is stupid and I'd like to find the underlying problem but I'm stumped at the moment.
that's indeed weird. it might be totally unrelated, but i have seen outages of the github webinterface in the past weeks. so maybe the simple solution is just to wait a bit longer?
also, i think a better monitor of the repo is to just do a local clone besides your "work repository", and see what you get back (that is: whether all the tags and commits you expect are there)
Meanwhile, though, I've managed now to get github to see my "0.53-0test3" commit, and its tag, but now it doesn't show up on the CI system at https://git.iem.at/pd/pure-data/-/pipelines.
... I think this might be related to the first problem and the way I'm trying to work around it, but I could be wrong about that.
git.iem.at takes a while to sync to github. it basically works like this:
- you push to https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/
- gitlab.com regularly *polls* the github repository for new changes
- if there any new changes it pulls them into https://gitlab.com/pure-data/pure-data
- it then pushes these changes to https://git.iem.at/pd/pure-data
- this triggers the CI on git.iem.at
this was the easiest system to setup, as github does not allow for push mirroring¹ (you *can* do that with a github-"action" (aka CI job), but it's much more complicated to do it manually and requires changes to the repository itself (which i don't really like) and needs to be guarded against forks), and the free community edition of gitlab (that is powering git.iem.at) does not allow for pull mirroring².
maybe things have changed a bit since i originally setup the mirroring and they could be simplified.
gfmdsar IOhannes
¹ push mirroring: whenever the repository receives changes, they are automatically pushed to another repository ² pull mirroring: a repository watches another repository for changes and pulls them.
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