Hi Andre
replace "-font [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]" by "-font $fontname".
############ pdtk_text_new -- create a new text object #2########### proc pdtk_text_new {canvasname myname x y text font color} { if {$font < 8} {set fontname [format -*-pufo-----%d-* $font]} if {$font >= 8} {set fontname [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]} $canvasname create text $x $y \ -font [format $fontname $font] \ -tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw # pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] ;] }
but maybe, you don't see a difference with a smaller font then 8.
good luck
Thomas Musil
Andre Schmidt wrote:
hi devs,
i couldnt let my fingers from it :) so i'm working on the fonts again.. but i got a problem. can i use a specific font for a specific size ? ex. i wanted to use my font (pufo) only for size 7.. i found this on pd.tk but it doesn't seem to work so like i wanted/thought... (sorry i'm working @ TAE style)[TAE = trial and error]
############ pdtk_text_new -- create a new text object #2########### proc pdtk_text_new {canvasname myname x y text font color} { if {$font < 8} {set fontname [format -*-pufo-----%d-* $font]} if {$font >= 8} {set fontname [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]} $canvasname create text $x $y \ -font [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font] \ -tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw # pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] ;] }
as i read it with my very limited coding skills it would be if size smaller than 8 use my font, right?! well, the if(s) where marked unused so could be that they are not compatible with the rest of the code... but if this feature (specific fonts for specific sizes) is not supported in the code it's not a must. i just wanted it for my test...
cheers -andre