Hallo, guenter geiger hat gesagt: // guenter geiger wrote:
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Frank Barknecht wrote:
But I would need to solve another thing: The fact, that OSC message targets are just a single atom in Pd, and not a list, while they still can describe hierarchies of e.g. abstractions.
This is very useful, if you want to "pack" lists into abstraction arguments. $1 in OSC lingo can be "/myabs/synths/fm/carrier" whereas [route]-lingo would need $1-4 for the same: "myabs synths fm carrier".
Thinking about that I am not even sure if the possibility to send to /myabs/synths/fm/carrier directly is such a good thing, as it completely destroys encapsulation of abstractions. all /myabs messages should be handled by myabs and its subpatches.
Just to clarify this: In memento, I'm not using any global receivers at all (except one). So the "r /myabs/whatever] thing is not a part of Memento, and I agree, that this would be bad for encapsulation which is no problem in "single user" patches, but encapsulation is crucial for abstraction libraries.
All remote control from outside an abstraction is running through inlets, not receivers.
Another problem is that a route with wildcards is not enough, what we would need additionally is a "receive" with wildcards.
I don't see, where a wildcard-receive would be necessary in this context?