Actually, I think the preferred way of specifying the font would be to use Tk font specs rather than X11 font specs. They are easier anyway. I replaced all the X11 font specs in Pd-extended using Tk font specs.
They are like this:
"font size style", i.e.: courier 12 bold monaco 24 bold helvetica 12 (blank style means normal)
On Sep 2, 2007, at 6:14 PM, federico wrote:
I reply to myself. it seems that using:
-font -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-*
with %d = glist_getfont(glist)
gives a coherent measure.
anyone can confirm that?
On 9/2/07, federico wrote:
hi all, I re-subscribed today to this list, and now I'm learning the gui part of pd externals.
I've almost finished my first gui external, just I don't know how to specify the current(canvas) font with the Tk's -font option (since Tk wants a string, while pd uses integers).
actually I'm doing that (in CLASSNAME_new()):
int font = glist_getfont(x->x_glist); int width = sys_fontwidth(font); int height = sys_fontheight(font);
but it seems (at least the width - perhaps it's a coincidence) that metrics are wrong.
right now I do not pass *ANY* option to [.x%c.c create text ...]. which font is that one in glist measured by sys_font*() ?
I've checked out other externals, but I see every one picks an arbitrary font and arbitrary sizes :S
I hope there's a better way...
best regards, Federico
PD-dev mailing list
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All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated.... -John Donne