On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, cyrille.henry wrote:
I'm doing what's on pd page on sourceforge :
[cyrille@nunux cyrille]$ export CVS_RSH=ssh [cyrille@nunux cyrille]$ cvs -z3 -d:ext:nusmuk@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pure-data import externals/pmpd nusmuk source-dist nusmuk@cvs.pure-data.sourceforge.net's password: Permission denied, please try again.
i'm using the nusmuk user acount password.
I'm not really familiar with cvs, so I don't really know what I should do...
maybee someone can help?
Its strange, seems that your account is not enabled. To test your account/password combination you could try to do a checkout as developer. If this works, then there is something strange going on.
Frank Barknecht a �crit:
just a short note for those interested: I added Cyrille Henry as developer ("nusmuk") to the SF.net repository. Expect the loads of fun, I already have with "pmpd - Physical Modelling for pd", in your CVS soon as well. ;)
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