Can I suggest that, although it's fine to have political discussions about PD development, could we change this thread's name so that it doesn't look like bug reports for hans' release? I'm sure we all have an opinion, but we're probably wasting someone else's time.
Personally I have an interest in my software not being used by the military. But on the other hand, if the US (or any other) military really wanted to use our software, do you really think they would tell us about it? If Microsoft don't have to release the code for Windows, how on earth is somebody going to reverse-engineer proprietary binaries to prove it was used in a tank, even if they had them? All we can do is make it open, and then every soul on the planet with a net link can use it for peaceful purposes.
Also, and this is crucial, it is very unlikely that somebody who's raison d'etre is to make art will be involved in military research, and so the military have probably never even heard of PD. Nor is it likely that the military would take such an interest in software that is designed for artistic purposes - there are far more efficient ways to fly a plane! If one of us makes a mathematical breakthrough in any way, it may be used for military uses or not, but never forget that the Unix operating system, and by evolution BSD, OSX and Linux _all_ originate from the US military. Let us use them for peaceful purposes.
But there's clearly a lot of passionate feelings here, and if there weren't I'd begin to wonder if I was talking to a community of artists or not! Bring it on...
Best, Ed
--- cdr wrote:
On Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 04:39:40PM -0600, Dave S wrote:
thank you for your depostic, wasteful, counterproductive response :)
Take this argument elsewhere. This is a waste of
you know how many of these messages it would take to use as much bw as the avg 'silly flash movie' link? praobly aobut 150-300 or so but i havent counted..
belong on ANY list-serv. This is not the garbage
the I subscribed to.
actually it is.. youre welcome to hit delete or unsubscribe. politics seem to be quite involved with many facets of pure-data, from the differing core branches, the differing build systems, the differing licenses, etc... or maybe not so much politics as smart people with their own views and experiences - its important to hear everyones opinion...which is one productive use of this list..
cheers .
PD-dev mailing list
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