I'm working on the master config...
One thing it needs is the (domain name and) port number where buildbot's own http server will be visible. Default is 8010. I guess it just needs to be open to the WAN and that's it.
I think 8010 and 10012 are not filtered on that network.
So, we have an 'alpha version' of the master config up and running Tomorrow i'll shut it down (first i wish to see how the scheduler behaves) and continue configuring... need to give meaningful names to slaves, check scheduling, source access + change tracking and finally the actual build processes.
This is awesome! The RPM building could also be useful, since we don't have an RPM builder at the moment. It would be nice if people making Pd libraries could use this to make versions of their library for all the various platforms.
err, i cannot connect to port 10012, but guess what, buildbot is not bug-free... :) can we try the newest from http://sourceforge.net/projects/buildbot/files/buildbot/0.8.1/buildbot-0.8.1... goes with 'sudo python setup.py build' and then 'sudo python setup.py install' better to do 'sudo apt-get remove buildbot' before
Managing builtbot from source is a lot more work that "apt-get upgrade". Since buildbot hasn't been upgrading to 0.8.x in Debian or Fedora yet, my guess is that buildbot 0.7.x works.
What are the problems that you are having?
I cannot connect with my slave nor with the debugclient (GUI app). Tried telnet, it times out. Now the master is shut down, if you have an idea about the network, you can start it up with 'buildbot start /var/lib/buildbot/pd-master"