So, for reference and inspiration, In Max "MC" is a wrapper that can be applied to any dsp object. see for details. I quote from it below:
"MC is not an entirely new API for MSP objects. Instead it is built on top of the existing MSP API. Is it implemented as some additions to the MSP signal compiler — the code that turns a graph of MSP objects into an ordered sequence of operations on signals — to deal with patch cords that hold more than one audio signal (...) if you want your MSP object to have outlets that produce multi-channel signals, you will have to change the type of the outlets from signal to multichannelsignal. An outlet of type multichannelsignal (...) A patch cord coming from this type of outlet (...) can be connected to any MSP object, even those that don’t know about MC. (In that case, only the first channel will be used.) (...) The MC wrapper looks at the name the user types, removes the “mc.” from the beginning, and looks for a Max object with the string that remains (...) The name “myfilter~” at the end of this message specifies the name of the help file to open. If you want to make a special help file for the N-way version of your object, you could do (...)
so it seems they did not create new codes and new objects, just adapted, and even made it possible for it to open a special help patch but it's all the same object and you can use this API to generate externals - if I get things correctly...
Em ter., 17 de jan. de 2023 às 21:45, Alexandre Torres Porres <> escreveu:
Em ter., 17 de jan. de 2023 às 20:55, Alexandre Torres Porres <> escreveu:
I still didn't change the documentation of [inlet] to include a multichannel example
ok, now I did it :)