On Apr 2, 2011, at 11:57 AM, yvan volochine wrote:
On 04/02/2011 05:38 PM, yvan volochine wrote:
On 04/01/2011 11:29 PM, yvan volochine wrote:
On 04/01/2011 10:43 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:
Can't be done -- the actual text editing is done in Pd and the TCL code is just to display the current state of affairs down in Pd.
There might be a way to do it via messages to Pd though -- for instance, simlulating the necessary mouse/keyboard actions.
ah yes, that works if I simulate a double-click.
it seems that simulating the mouse is a bad idea (focus problems). how would I go to simulate CTRL-A ??
this does not work:
proc ctrl_all {} { ... set key "Control_L" set a 97
pdsend "$mytoplevel key 1 $key 0"
actually this should be better but it also does not work:
pdsend "$mytoplevel selectall"
in pd, it seems that CTRL-A just "releases" the object.
Have you tried watching the actual traffic that pd-gui sends to pd? Run pd from the command line like 'pd -stderr -d 3' and you'll see the communications between pd and pd-gui. -d 1 would be one direction of that traffic, and -d 2 would be the other direction, but I forget which is which.
That way you can figure out which messages are the ones that you want to hijack :)
Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. - from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs