how does it break devel installations? it resides only in the source directory and is not copied by the SConscript..
i haven't been able to figure that out, yet ... my guess is that if pd is run from a specific directory, it finds your, not the from ... some people run pd, without installing it!
you can go ahead and delete it, since every time ive ever checked in somethign to devel, it got overwritten eventually, either by a checkin from yourself...or a version rev of the devel tag, or a version rev from miller which didnt take any of the stuff from devel its a fairly pointless exercise, except that i like to have a remote backup of my stuff somewhere reliable..
i can understand you ... but i'm trying to maintain the stuff and i'm the one that people contact when "devel doesn't work" or "i can't see a menu" or "devel_0_39: wont launch (bug)"
i'm happy for any contribution to devel, but i think i've given you reasons, why i rejected the ix-gui, why i have problems with the, any with yesterday's change to the sconscript ...
cheer ... tim