Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
It would be nice if these functions worked with all sets, not just lists. That's the way [zl] works. It could work so that if it receives lists, it will output lists. If it receives undefined sets (i.e. sets that begin with a symbol) then it would output sets without "list" prepended.
This is a good point actually, or at least a point to consider. For example when I work with OSC messages, these are what you call undefined sets, that is, they are lists without a "list" selector. Typically they look like: "/o/s/c 1 2 3 something 4".
I normally do the same operations on these "list"-less lists as I would do on real "list"-lists. It would be nice to be able to use the new "list" object for this kind of messages as well without having to first send them through an object that adds the "list" selector, which would need to be stripped off again later anyways.