On Mon, 13 Dec 2004, Tim Blechmann wrote:
that's easy ... you have to add m_fifo.c to the sources ...
Hmm, what kind of fifo is that ? You probably know that there are already two different fifo implementations in pd, one for portaudio and one for jack. Maybe we can use only one ?
that's why i started to implement a general fifo api according to the paper by Dominique Fober, Yann Orlarey, Stephane Letz "Lock-Free Techniques for Concurrent Access to Shared Objects"... it implements a lock-free fifo queue, but requires to write assembler (i haven't been able to implement it for ppc, since i'm not access one). it might not be the first choice for single thread fifos, though...
i'm using the lock-free fifo for placing callbacks in the scheduler for thread synchronisation, which is probably more powerful for thread synchronisation than the current sys_lock(), since the synchronisation won't run in the helper thread, but in the main pd thread...
cheers ... tim