On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 06:01:47PM +0000, ix@replic.net wrote:
On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 01:05:00AM +0200, Tim Blechmann wrote:
hi carmen,
i tried to work on devel_0_39 again ... saw your extended use of colors ...
since it makes patches pretty unreadable, i'd propose to remove it for the first time... i'd like to have all these fancy colors as an optional feature only, but not as default appearance of devel ...
just look for the line where its like namespace eval ::pdtheme:: {array set {arrow green object pink backgroudn purple} and set it to {thing black this white that black otherthing white yeah black lovely white}. im sure you can figure it out...
nm, already done., thats all obsoleted by matjuGUI anyways, which isnt in devel_0_39 at moment.
tim: i suppose you should go ahead and overwrite the sconscript in 039 with the one from 038..after diffing -r1.1 -r1.2 or wahtever to see what i had to fix to make it work here... why are there 2 (active) devel branches again?