Okay, I think the code-organisation problem is solved now.
Now it compiles, but I have an other Problem: I use a static map in HMap.h (which is declared in TPDContainerBase.h) and normally I have to define the map in HMap.h like: // define the static member: map<Element,atom,Compare> HMap::data_;
But then I get the compiler error: src/HMap.cpp:18: error: ISO C++ does not permit `TPDContainer<std::map<Element, atom, Compare, std::allocator<std::pair<const Element, atom> > >, std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<const Element, atom>, std::pair<const Element, atom>&, std::pair<const Element, atom>*> >::data_' to be defined as `HMap::data_'
And if I don't define it, it compiles but I get an undefined symbol in PD: c++filt _ZN12TPDContainerISt3mapI7Element5_atom7CompareSaISt4pairIKS1_S2_EEESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS6_RS6_PS6_EE5data_E TPDContainer<std::map<Element, _atom, Compare, std::allocator<std::pair<Elementconst, _atom> > >, std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<Element const, _atom>, std::pair<Element const, _atom>&, std::pair<Element const, _atom>*> >::data_ holzi@holzi:~$ c++filt _ZN12TPDContainerISt3mapI7Element5_atom7CompareSaISt4pairIKS1_S2_EEESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS6_RS6_PS6_EE5data_E TPDContainer<std::map<Element, _atom, Compare, std::allocator<std::pair<Elementconst, _atom> > >, std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<Element const, _atom>, std::pair<Element const, _atom>&, std::pair<Element const, _atom>*> >::data_
Has anyone an idea ?? Thanks a lot!
LG Georg