On Tue, 2015-11-10 at 12:13 -0700, Dan Wilcox wrote:
Exactly. I see no reason why is has to be installer OR zip. Most open source projects provide *both* and leave it up to the downloaders.
(Also, I don’t believe Roman was ever advocating for *not* providing a zip.)
How does creating the installer work?
I tried it with NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). You write a .nsi script and then you compile the script with NSIS compiler. The result is an installer as exe.
The not so nice part about NSIS is that you have to list every single file of your source packet explicitly and tell it where to install. Since it is inconvenient to touch that script whenever a new version is released, I added a bash script that creates the file list automatically for a given Pd-for-Windows folder.
Once you have Wine and NSIS installed, it's really only a matter of running the included bash script to create an updated Pd installer. I only tried it on Linux, but if you have bash on Windows, it should work there as well.
You can try it yourself: http://www.netpd.org/~roman/tmp/nsis_installer/
Is it be a script that just bundles the build/zip file contents etc? If so, I see no reason why calling a script can’t be added to the current Windows build process that already generates a zip …