hi Ben,
if 'x' is your object pointer, 'n' is the number of floats, and you already store them in an array of atoms 'a', then the call will be
outlet_list(x, &s_list, n, a);
If the floats are kept in a float* array, then you need to allocate an array of atoms, and copy the floats into it, using SETFLOAT macro in a loop.
The tricky part could be deciding, how to allocate this output array -- this was discussed some time ago on pd-dev. Also, there are several examples in zexy, ggee, cyclone, etc.
Ben Bogart - FMPM/F1999 wrote:
I want to calculate a series of floats and output them as a list out the outlet, I see:
void outlet_list(t_outlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
but don't know how to set the contents of the list, ie I'm not sure how to use gensym("list").