you didn't fill your disk? (just checking the obvious first...)
maybe git-svn would be more reliable for getting such ane enormously huge repository as the whole of pure-data with all the vendor sources etc than the svn tool itself?
On 19/05/12 19:41, Nicolas Montgermont wrote:
Hello all,
I want to do a copy of the complete svn (not only trunk) with:
svn co pure-data
but I have an error at some point:
svn: In directory 'pure-data/branches/by-author/gg/externals/ggee' svn: Can't open file 'pure-data/branches/by-author/gg/externals/ggee/.svn/tmp/text-base/VERSION.svn-base': No such file or directory
and I have to kill svn. I have tested twice and exactly the same problem happened. svn update to get the other files after that doesn't work:
Machiavel:pure-data nix$ svn update svn: Working copy '.' locked svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details) Machiavel:pure-data nix$ svn cleanup svn: In directory 'branches/by-author/gg/externals/ggee' svn: Error processing command 'modify-wcprop' in 'branches/by-author/gg/externals/ggee' svn: 'branches/by-author/gg/externals/ggee/configure' is not under version control Machiavel:pure-data nix$ svn update svn: Working copy '.' locked svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)
Do you think of a workaround, or a way to correct the error?
Best n