I'm not sold on the Zoomer idea. If anyone has used eyeweb what they
removing the subpatch concept, and I don't think that the zooming stuff implies any of that, nor that its main use would even be to make larger
like creating a duplicate view of a canvas, shrinking it to a fraction of the original size, locking 'zoom to fit' and using it as an overview. or zooming the selected objects (associated with data-structs) for instant timestretch. or displaying a subpatch/abstraction as GOP but mouseover + press the 'tab' key, and it zooms to fill the window, obliterating the need for a window manager entirely..
"Zoom"...dont knock it till youve tried it..
- When the pointer device you are using is imprecise, you can't even hit an inlet 90% of the time. For example, ever tried patching on a touchscreen?
or a trackpoint, ball mouse, vnc/rdesktop. do you have any suggestions... auto-zoom the objects on mouseover, a la the MacOSX "Dock" ?
more feature of PureData gets used. It's like consumer society: we have a duty to eat bread in order to justify the baking of the bread.
eh..you mean starvin would 'really show that consumer society' ?
So I think we should abolish scrollbars. Or should we? (I'm kidding, but just because I am doesn't mean I'm not making a point.)
well, i abolished scrollbars in my PD GUI, as documented at http://whats-your.name/pd/
IIRC, Carmen advocates the abolition of the Run/Edit mode. I say that if this becomes a reality, then other things have to change. There prolly aren't enough keyboard shortcuts and key modifiers that we can rely on being available all of the time (laptop keyboards are small)... and then, dragging a numberbox without holding modifiers should do what exactly? The same as current Run-Mode, or the same as current Edit-Mode ?
gave in and added a 'performance mode' toggle (Esc key), but for objects that just interpret a single input type (say button-1) it shouldnt be necessary. which is what, all of the originals+iemgui? id maybe prefer 'normally click moves, unless the object interprets mouse input' but that would be inconsistent: hold shift to move a slider, but don't when moving an objbox or rect..so i guess user-settable pref is on order here..
I suggested other things, like adding a different, more accessible shortcut for Edit/Run toggling -- e.g. Escape or even CapsLock. The Ctrl+E powerchord is more complex for the hand and doing too quick often leads to Ctrl+W instead (been there done that).
yep, my PD GUI uses Esc... but i should stop calling it a PD GUI, since it can only be used via netsend right now (HINT HINT!! ;) c