Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I am trying to track down the path of loading a new object. Basically, where does a class name get tested to see if a .pd_linux needs to be loaded or not? For example, if I type [drip], where does it look to see whether it needs to load drip.pd_linux?
Right now, I am staring at the top of canvas_objtext() and not quite getting it.
hmm, do you want to know when exactly Pd decides whether it already has the "drip" objectclass registered or whether it needs t invoke the loader-mechanism?
an objectclass (or rather: it's name) is basically a method for the "pd_objectmaker". if it has no method registered for "drip", then it will fallback to it's anything-method (new_anything), which will call the registered loaders and finally tries to open the "drip" as an abstraction.
mfgasr IOhannes