----- Original Message -----
From: Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.at To: olivierbaudry.eba@hotmail.fr Cc: pd-dev List pd-dev@iem.at Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 5:48 PM Subject: Re: [PD-dev] scale and speedlim
I'm CC'ing pd-dev since others may be interested in the answer as well.
On Jan 7, 2013, at 2:36 PM, Olivier Baudry wrote:
Dear all
I try to search source code to speedlim and scale object in puredata with this command
find ~/pd-0.43-4/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep
macbook-pro-de-olivier:~ olivierbaudry$
macbook-pro-de-olivier:~ olivierbaudry$ find ~/pd-0.43-4/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep '"scale"' /Users/olivierbaudry/pd-0.43-4//src/g_vumeter.c: class_addmethod(vu_class, (t_method)vu_scale, gensym("scale"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0); macbook-pro-de-olivier:~ olivierbaudry$
I think the objects you want are both externals, so you'd run that same command on the complete Pd-extended source, or in SVN in trunk/externals I think both are in maxlib.
You can also get help on them, then look at the title of the help patch window. In Mac OS X, you can Cmd-click on the filename i.e. "speedlim-help.pd" and then you'll see the full path:
1) Click <ctrl-h> or whatever the equivalent is for "ctrl" on OSX (command?) 2) Type "speedlim-help scale-help" in the search entry 3) Uncheck "Match all terms" 4) Click Enter:
cyclone/speedlim speed limit for incoming messages Keywords: control filter max_compatible
Gem/scale scale
iemlib/speedlim speedlimit for float-message Keywords: control filter
list-abs/triple-scale interpolate linearily between two points (x , y , z) Keywords: control list_op
maxlib/scale scale input from a certain input range to lie between output boundaries Keywords: control
maxlib/speedlim lets information through only every N milliseconds Keywords: control filter anything_op
rtc/make-ED-scale No DESCRIPTION tag.
rtc/make-scale No DESCRIPTION tag.
rtc/make-trans-scale No DESCRIPTION tag.