On Dec 2, 2008, at 5:43 AM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Damian Stewart hat gesagt: // Damian Stewart wrote:
i'd like SVN commit access, so that i can work on improvements to some of the Pd usability issues that have been bugging me lately. i would like to implement multithreaded [soundfiler] read, and i'd like to in the longer term make a stab at multithreaded the entire DSP engine, or at least investigating whether this project is a feasible one.
You're welcome, but take note, that the MAIN branch of Pd in svn is strictly reserved for commits by Miller, so if you want to make changes to [soundfiler] using the sourceforge patch tracker is the way to go.
Yes indeed. It is important to reiterate the basic rule of committing that we follow. I think is lightweight yet effective: if it isn't your code that you committed, then always ask before committing.
As for implementing substantial changes to soundfiler, I think the way to do it is not to try to get the modifications into Pd-vanilla, there are so many issues of backwards compatibility. Instead make a new object, even if it is largely just a modified version of the original. [sndfiler] is a good example of that.
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Terrorism is not an enemy. It cannot be defeated. It's a tactic. It's about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we're going to win that war. We're not going to win the war on terrorism. - retired U.S. Army general, William Odom