hi gem-devs.
because chris doesn't like getting no information (and probably others too)
i will checkin something into Gem.
1. particles: upgrade to libparticle-120 (was 111). this does not effect most part-objects, but gives some more control (like there is an age-output at [part_info], there is an alpha-channel with [part_color]...)
2. GemBase: the stoprender() and stoprenderCallback() had been commented out by me. when i tried to compile gem2pdp (0.3) they were needed, so they are in again. probably the [gem2pdp] should stem from [gemhead] rather ?
3. GemPixUtils: here we go (i did it again): i have put colour-conversion routines in here. (routines for acquiring data from a specific format like YUV420P) this (the place) might be horrible, and i am very willing to put this into GemPixConvert (but i needed it quickly, and dirty is often faster on the short hand) as always, for now they are only non-optimized. but this will hopefully change.
4. [pix_rgba] on mac this used to produce the wrong colours. i think the rgba-format for mac is GL_ABGR_EXT, so i changed it to this (but i have not tested it)
5. [pix_add], [pix_sub]: Grey2Grey-support
6. [pix_videoNEW]: had forgotten the "device"-Message to switch between various devices (like my Webcam and my capture-card)
hope that's it
mfg.asd.r IOhannes