I just read the documentation on how to write libs in flext (should have done that before ... :) - and so it works: (but maybe there is also an other solution ? - because I don't need a library, I need only this single object ... ?)
class A : public flext_dsp { FLEXT_HEADER(A,flext_dsp)
// no setup function here }
class B : public A { FLEXT_HEADER_S(B,A,setup)
static void setup(t_classid c); FLEXT_CALLBACK(some_methods_from_A_or_B) };
void B::setup(t_classid c) { [...] }
static void lib_setup() { // call the objects' setup routines FLEXT_DSP_SETUP(B); }
// setup the library FLEXT_LIB_SETUP(B,lib_setup)
LG Georg