Anyhow, if by separating the GUI from the core you mean re-writing the Pd patch editor in Tcl/TK, I think that would create enormous headaches. i enjoyed some of those with Max/FTS (in which the GUI layer was responsible for editing) and Pd's separation of duties is partly a reaction from that experience. But now there's even a stronger reason - since the GUI is now written in a scripting language it is likely to be very hard to get it to the level of robustness and performance needed in an editor.
But perhaps you mean something else, such as putting an abstract layer between Pd 'proper' and the Tcl/TK code. That might be feasible although I think it would still be quite a pain.
OTOH I recently talked with Peter Brinkmann about the idea of making an API for 'graphics updates' (changing float and table values) so that non-GUI-users could have an easier time seeing patch state. This seems a manageable first step...
cheers Miller
There are many python based GUIs that perform orders of magnitude better than Pd when it comes to screen drawing performance. Max/FTS was 20+ years ago, scripting languages have come a long way since then. The current situation guarantees crappy performance because it forces things to be implemented in a way that avoids graphics optimizations. In Pd's current architecture, things need to be handled incrementily and over a network socket. In any decent graphics programming environment, updates can be handled en masse.
I was trying to make 2 separate argments... First I think it's a miserable experience makeing an editor in one process for complex data structures that are needed by a different process (the experience I learned from Max/FTS). Second, even if one were to try it, I don't think any scripting language from 1993 or 2050 will be up to it. I could be wrong on the latter point but I'm pretty sure I'm right on the former.
I think we're converging on the concludion that 'th scaling 1' is appropriate for Pd extended (where taking the line out could break unknown hundreds of third-party objects/features/plug-ins) but inapprorpriate for vanilla where I still fail to see any problems from taking it out - although I've only tried it in a couple of environments so far.
cheers Miller