Frank Barknecht wrote: ...
As I understood this, dummies are only to be loaded if "-lib maxmode" is used. If A) it does work this way and if B) [date] is such a dummy, then we do not have a nameclash. If not A) and B) then Nameclash.
yes, dummies are now loaded only in maxmode, and I think Tim is using an older cyclone version. Some of them, those unlikely to ever be cloned, have names prefixed with "c74." Others may clash in maxmode, which is potentially harmful, because cyclone's modes are global, currently.
There should be a possibility of resolving class names in abstraction scope, and in a persistent way. I will try to describe a simple scheme in a separate posting.
Dummies were introduced for two reasons. One was preserving connections of missing objects in imported patches. Since Pd .38, this is no longer a valid reason. The second one was making inter-platform name clashes explicit. This is still a valid reason, but how important it is, who knows...
It all depends on whether computer music people actually want to have common standards for basic things.