Ok, I solved it by just using the value functions that, as it turns out, are available in m_pd.h :)
it all works, but I wanted to expand the object and also make it take symbols, which won't be possible now, but it will be if [value] is expanded to take symbols as well, and there's a PR for it, so I can then annoyingly insist on it instead.
This works better as the external now is perfectly integrated with [value] and can also take values that are set in [expr] for instance.
here's the code, pretty much simpler now as well. Thanks!
// porres 2023
#include "m_pd.h"
*static* t_class *var_class;
*typedef* *struct* _var{
t_object x_obj;
t_int x_n; // number of given vars as arguments
t_symbol **x_sym; // variable names
*static* *void* var_bang(t_var *x){
t_atom at[x->x_n];
*for*(*int* i = 0; i < x->x_n; i++){
t_float f;
*int* flag = value_getfloat(x->x_sym[i], &f);
SETFLOAT(at+i, !flag ? f : 0);
outlet_list(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, &s_list, x->x_n, at);
*static* *void* var_list(t_var *x, t_symbol *s, *int* ac, t_atom *av){
s = *NULL*;
*else* *for*(*int* i = 0; i < (ac > x->x_n ? x->x_n : ac); i++)
value_setfloat(x->x_sym[i], atom_getfloat(av+i));
*static* *void* var_free(t_var *x){
*for*(*int* i = 0; i < x->x_n; i++)
freebytes(x->x_sym, x->x_n * *sizeof*(*x->x_sym));
*static* *void* *var_new(t_symbol *s, *int* ac, t_atom *av){
s = *NULL*;
t_var *x = (t_var *)pd_new(var_class);
x->x_sym = getbytes(*sizeof*(t_symbol) * (x->x_n = (!ac ? 1 : ac)));
value_get(x->x_sym[0] = &s_);
*else* *for*(*int* i = 0; i < x->x_n; i++)
value_get(x->x_sym[i] = atom_getsymbol(av+i));
outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list);
*void* var_setup(*void*){
var_class = class_new(gensym("var"), (t_newmethod)var_new,
(t_method)var_free, *sizeof*(t_var), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
class_addbang(var_class, var_bang);
class_addlist(var_class, var_list);
Em seg., 9 de out. de 2023 às 21:11, Alexandre Torres Porres < porres@gmail.com> escreveu:
Em seg., 9 de out. de 2023 às 20:27, Alexandre Torres Porres < porres@gmail.com> escreveu:
but printing and debugging, it does say and show it was in fact created...
here's to illustrate, I load the patch with a single [var a b c] object, and I'm printing at creation time that it's creating 'a', 'b' and 'c' which didn't exist before. If I duplicate the object, it says it's creating 'a' again as if it didn't already exist.. copy again and you get yet the same thing. Now if I delete the first object it shows that error where it couldn't find the variable to free it, as it really never existed. If I do "control z" and recreated the object, it recreates yet once again variable 'a'...
[image: Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 21.07.39.png]
I don't know how to test any further and it really seems there's NOTHING wrong with it with the code :)