Hi all, I would be highly interested in applying as a student for this.
I already coded a few externals (see the directory externals/aalex in the Pd CVS) but i am not quite advanced yet. I would like to improve my C skills by programming something like a set of low-level Linux (and other) tools to add more functionnalities to Pd. I am much interested in wrapping several C libraries in Pd externals.
Other idea : I started a few externals for musical computing that are the natural extension of my former "Muzaq" set of abstractions which are now a part of the https://devel.goto10.org/pdmtl : these abstractions are in the "musical" directory. I have still quite a externals in the way, but I cannot give it much time because of school, and while I am giving much time on the pdmtl abstractions these days, as this is very fast to code for and experienced patcher. This would be a great opportunity to provide the community a few more musical objects to play with. For instance, I started a jazz chord parser, an XML node external, and a few more still unfinished (a wrapper for curl, and so on).
I don't know how this could be written in a formal way before the due date (March 26th), but I would be interested in writing externals for musical composition and low-level operations. I don't know what a realistic number of externals would be realistic and interesting for the Pd-community for me to achieve before the end of August. Also, I am not sure about how to apply, even after reading the Google documentation.
Thanks for any input,