Hello guys!
I am sorry if this violates the rules of the dev list, but I just want to send a little bit of gratitude back to you guys for your endless effort in making Pure Data better.
So here is something that I have created with Pure Data, a 64 voice granular sample player:
Here is a short clip of it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VuRK1wMdVM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VuRK1wMdVM
Here is the patch, slightly modified compared to the Youtube clip, without stereo, as the stereo wasn’t too good, it needs to be updated. It can be pretty cpu intensive, at some setting it uses 100% cpu of my 2012 Macbook, but most settings are good: https://github.com/jaffasplaffa/Pure-data-patches/tree/master/Granular21 https://github.com/jaffasplaffa/Pure-data-patches/tree/master/Granular21
Have fun :)
Jakob Skouborg