moin again,
On 2007-07-31 09:43:21, IOhannes m zmoelnig appears to have written:
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
There is a glitch in any2string that is stopping Pd-extended from building:
i fixed that yesterday.
and it is rather a glitch in the assumptions the externals/build/src/ makes than in the pdstring, which just builds perfectly.
i don't wish to agitate slumbering canines, but it would be nice if the externals/build system and pdstring (also gfsm, readdir, etc) played nicely with one another. I keep putting off writing default externals/build-compatibile makefiles, basically because I think there's got to be a "better" way to do it, most likely involving automake|autoconf. any m4 hackers on the list these days?
also, i seem to recall hearing or reading recently something to the effect that "multiple-object libraries are deprecated" -- is there any knock-down drag-out argument why this should be so?
marmosets, Bryan