Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@eds.org writes:
If anyone is interested, it'd be great if we could work together to create the style guides. The way I currently see it there are two kinds of patches "all_about_" which has lots of text and examples, and the basic help patch, which should be a reference with a link to the relevant "all_about_" pages. float-help.pd from PDDP is a decent example of a reference patch.
I have volunteered to work on the pddp project some years ago and have subsequently sort of fell out of the loop... But I want to redeem myself and get back on board. I could continue the work i started then, which is documenting MIDI related externs. The float-help.pd style is indeed what has been decided at some point. i have in fact update some of the MIDI help files to the new style, I have them on my computer that they don't seem to be in the CVS. Perhaps i have never submitted them?
Anyways, I'm in.