Haha, please look at the first message in (or the subject of) this thread... we have gone far off topic : )
Yes, the counter proposal bit was a jab at the fact that the lazy consensus has been a bit too lazy, and if the consensus is that I am rejected perhaps a counter-proposal (for my rejection) is needed to confirm that, lazily.
Finally, does anyone have any opinions on http://code.google.com as a cantidate? It would perhaps lighten your load, IOhannes (in that you wouldn't have to assemble the server at IEM).
On 3/2/07, zmoelnig@iem.at zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
Quoting "Luke Iannini (pd)" lukexipd@gmail.com:
OK, well if this is not quite ready to be discussed, could someone at least add me to the dev list?
man, this _is_ the dev list!
(or write a counter proposal for my non admission : ))
as hans has often pointed out, pd-community mainly decides on a "lazy consensus".
i was not aware that you have applied for repositry dev access (but i generally leave this to the other, more "organized" admins)
mfg.asdr IOhannes
PD-dev mailing list PD-dev@iem.at http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev