and: nice working is better than nice looking :)
Of course. But nice looking never hurt no one ;) or did it?:
"America is like the pretty girl in High School who said 'everyone hates me because I'm pretty.' No, everyone hates you, because you're a jerk." -Laurie Anderson from "The End of the Moon"
Sorry for the tangent.
How about something like HeaderDoc? Its an open standard, reasonably common, and easy to implement. Plus the source for the API docs would be in the headers themselves, and therefore more likely to be maintained by those making changes to the API.
I'm not familiar with HeaderDoc per se, but I was thinking of something that would have a good degree of automation. The Java documentation system is nice in its ability to automatically generate standardized API docs. Automatic links to functions and syntax hilighting would be good for web viewing. Also if we use something like HeaderDoc there would at least be a stub document for each source file, which could be added to as time allows.
I'll start looking at solutions, starting with HeaderDoc and hope to have a skeleton up within the next week. Adding to it and making it more specific will need to be up to those who know more about it, since the whole reason I'm doing this is because I need to use it ;)
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams
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